Get Started With
CharityTracker Today!

Follow the steps below to get your nonprofit or church engaged with others in the network by requesting a FREE CharityTracker membership.

Step 1:

Click the button below and fill out the registration form for your organization (only one person per organization need to register).

Step 2:
Click the button below to schedule a training session for each person at your agency who will be using the tool. Each user needs mandatory training and credentials cannot be shared.

Step 3: Set Up Your Account
Once you have attended the in-person training and your registration form has been processed, you will receive your confidential login and password for CharityTracker via email. You will need to follow the instructions to complete the setting up of your account.


Click HERE to download
the CharityTracker factsheet.

What is CharityTracker?

CharityTracker is a robust, cloud-based database that fully adheres to the standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). With this HIPAA-compliant platform, we can efficiently manage and share cases, utilizing it to gather and report statistical data for various purposes such as resource development, strategic planning, and measuring outcomes.

By utilizing CharityTracker, we create a safe and secure environment for collaboration among community churches and nonprofit agencies. This platform fosters connections between agencies, enabling us to work collectively towards achieving the best possible outcomes for our shared clients.

CharityTracker serves as a powerful tool to generate meaningful data and facilitate partnerships aimed at addressing complex community challenges. Through this platform, United Way can virtually track and analyze insightful data that empowers us to make data-driven decisions. Ultimately, this allows us to focus on tracking transformation rather than solely focusing on tragedy.

Why does our community need a shared database between service providers?

Through the utilization of a shared database, both church and nonprofit service agencies can significantly enhance their ability to connect individuals in need with the available services and resources, resulting in improved efficiency, faster response times, and ultimately enabling people to lead healthier, more productive, and self-sufficient lives.

This collaborative approach facilitates addressing the underlying causes of problems, enabling the identification and allocation of resources towards resolving the broader issues rather than merely providing temporary fixes. In essence, this integrated system fosters the creation of sustainable solutions by empowering agencies to work collectively and adopt a comprehensive approach in combating poverty.

Who can use our CharityTracker network?

Nonprofit agencies in Beaufort or Jasper County offering direct services, including housing, utilities, or medical assistance, are eligible to join the CharityTracker Network facilitated by United Way. Your membership is FREE of charge.

How will our community benefit from using CharityTracker?

CharityTracker empowers agencies to offer a comprehensive perspective on donated resources and the individuals they assist, ensuring a 360-degree view. With the aid of reporting tools, agencies can effortlessly assess outcomes, evaluate their impact, and make informed decisions based on data. This fosters accountability for both the agency and its clients.

Real-time updates provided by the system enable prompt decision-making, eliminating concerns about duplicate services from other agencies. The database facilitates seamless sharing, referral, and notification among agencies, ensuring swift and efficient assistance, thereby enabling us to deliver optimal case management to those we serve.