This is the easiest and preferred method for making gifts of stock. Shares are sold and transferred on the same day to avoid market fluctuations. Simply call your broker, who will transfer stock directly to one of the two United Way accounts:
Wachovia Securities:
Account #73945964, DTC#0141
Merrill Lynch:
Account #75K04013, DTC#5198
Stock certificates take three to six business days to process and therefore are subject to market fluctuations. We strongly encourage you to use the wire transfer method if possible.
If the certificate is registered in the donor’s name, take it to either of our brokers (Wachovia Securities or Merrill Lynch). Brokerage staff will assist you in completing the required paperwork and making your gift.
If the certificate is already registered in the name of United Way of the Lowcountry, Inc., take it to the Beaufort or Bluffton United Way office. United Way staff will deliver the certificate to our broker and complete the required paperwork.
A receipt will be issued for the amount of the gift (average of high and low) on the day the stock entered United Way of the Lowcountry’ s possession.
Thank you for your gift to United Way of the Lowcountry, Inc.