Lead The Way. Live United.
United Way of the Lowcountry, Inc. provides a highway to the future for residents of Beaufort and Jasper Counties. With your planned or endowment gift you can ensure the security of that future and help make our community stronger forever. United Way is dedicated to promoting and celebrating what it means to be a caring community. Please join others like yourself who are investing in the future of our community by leaving a legacy for generations to come.
Founded in 1958, United Way of the Lowcountry is an autonomous 501(c)3 charitable organization, governed by local volunteers that
• Provides vision and leadership to
• Catalyze collaborative partnerships, and
• Create innovative community solutions with
• Results that are measureable.
United Way of the Lowcountry is mapping a route to the future for residents of Beaufort and Jasper Counties. Your endowment or planned gift ensures a road upon which to travel, long and strong enough to last forever.
Planned and Endowment Giving
Planned and Endowment giving to United Way of the Lowcountry giving to United Way of the Lowcountry creates opportunities to invest in innovative solutions that impact the root causes of illiteracy, poverty, homelessness, poor nutrition and ill-health in Beaufort and Jasper Counties.
Your fulfilled plan for a permanently endowed fund leaves the original gift intact. Your investment generates annual income to build, strengthen and uphold the structure of a vibrant community… forever.
How Planned and Endowment Giving Works
Establish it in your will
• Through various types of bequests you may secure a charitable estate tax deduction for the value of the gift.
• You may prefer to state in your will or trust a sum of money, a percentage of your estate, a specific item, or real estate you wish to give to United Way of the Lowcountry.
Gifts of Assets
• Cash, stocks, bonds and property provide you with charitable deductions and often offer additional tax savings.
Create a life-income gift or a charitable remainder trust
• You benefit and so does United Way
• You receive an income stream and tax savings. United way receives your support from your long-term resources.
Contribute retirement plan benefits
• Because of estate and income tax treatment of retirement plan benefits, the cost to your estate is small.
A New Opportunity for de Tocqueville Donors
• An Alexis de Tocqueville endowment fund is administered by a Board of Advisors
made up of de Tocqueville Society members and the President of United Way of the Lowcountry. The principal remains invested in perpetuity as a legacy and the annual earnings are used to support creative solutions to the chronic causes of poverty, Hunger, Illiteracy and lack of safe shelter in the communities we serve.