05 Jan Power of the Purse
Join us for the Power of the Purse!
March 9, 2017
Dataw Island Clubhouse
5:30 pm
United Way of the Lowcounty’s Women United will host this annual event, featuring a silent auction, live music by Horizon, cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres. During the event, the winner of the 2017 Woman of the Year will be announced. The Woman of the Year finalists include: Donnie Beer, Jonnie Haldt, Connie Hipp and Dorothy Law.
Tickets are $65. Tickets are limited!
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Clutch Sponsors
Wristlet Sponsors
Pouch Sponsors
- CBW Bookkeeping Services, LLC
- Cora Bett Thomas Realty & Associates
- Gilbert Law Firm
- Katie C. Phifer, CFP®
Bezilla Kinney Wealth Management Group, Wells Fargo Advisors - Palmetto State Bank
- RE/Max – Chris & Maria Skrip
- Amy Bowman State Farm Insurance Agency
- Turner Home Inspection
- VinCo ATM Services
- Harris Pillow Supply
- Salt Line Construction
- MDVIP – Irina Borissova, MD
- One Blood
- Murr Printing
Proceeds from the event will support education initiatives benefiting children and families throughout Beaufort and Jasper Counties through Women United’s Breaking Barriers to Education Fund. This fund seeks to help fulfill needs that would otherwise prevent a student from attending school or from reaching their full potential. This fund is administered by the United Way of the Lowcountry HELPLINE, which works with school officials to directly remove financial barriers that stand in the way of a child’s education.
Over the years, the Breaking Barriers to Education Fund has been used to overcome a variety of barriers, giving children an opportunity to succeed in school. Below are just a few of the many ways this fund has impacted children in our community.
- Having an operating hot water heater is something many of us take for granted. It wasn’t long ago that a Grandmother who is the guardian for her 5 grandchildren had a broken hot water heater she couldn’t afford to repair. As a result of not having hot water in the home, she was in jeopardy of losing her grandchildren, which would have resulted in them being split up and placed in foster care. Through this fund, a new water heater was installed, which kept this family together and allowed the children to remain at their schools.
- Imagine being a parent or guardian and not being able to get your children to and from school safely. That was the case for a single Mother whose car tires were so badly worn that school officials would not allow her to pick up her children from school due to safety concerns. Through this fund, new tires were purchased for the car so the family could have safe and reliable transportation to and from school each day.
RSVP – Contact: Jaime Dailey-Vergara at 843.982.3040 or jdaileyvergara@uwlowcountry.org.
Women United, previously named Women’s Leadership Council (WLC), was founded locally in 2012. Women United members work together to engage, educate and empower others to become leaders and actively participate in the betterment of our community. Women United holds quarterly professional development workshops as well as networking events. Anyone can become a member by donating any amount to United Way of the Lowcountry and by volunteering or advocating. Contact Jaime Dailey-Vergara at 843.982.3040 or jdaileyvergara@uwlowcountry.org for more information.