20 Nov Operation Holiday Heroes Registration Now Underway!
Posted at 11:20h
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If you or someone you know is in need of Christmas assistance this year, Operation Holiday Heroes is now taking applications.
United Way of the Lowcountry is proud to partner with Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, The Agape Family Life Center Hardeeville, Antioch Educational Center, Bluffton Self Help, The Deep Well Project, Love House Ministries, The Salvation Army of the Lowcountry and Sistas On A Mission this year to provide Christmas assistance to those in need through Operation Holiday Heroes.
Operation Holiday Heroes is a county-wide collaboration to assure that every child and family in need in Beaufort and Jasper county has toys at Christmas. As part of this collaboration, each family will need to register for assistance.
(Please see flyers for more information)
Want to be a holiday hero this Christmas season?
You can donate a toy at one of the area toy drop off locations, host a Toys for Tots event or volunteer at the local warehouse. For more information, go to www.toysfortots.org and click on the link that says “find your local campaign.”