Small businesses play a critical role in maintaining a thriving local economy. You are just as important to the success of the United Way of the Lowcountry as we endeavor to improve lives through our work in education and basic needs.
What are your challenges for charitable giving?
How many times do you get asked to donate each year?
When you donate does is have any impact on growing your business?
As a United Way Small Business Partner you can contribute to 33 partner agencies in addition to our Early Grade Reading Program and Helpline with ONE contribution.
You now have the opportunity to not only help your community, but gain visibility and help grow your business in the process.
You can amortize your gift over 12 months for a simple and affordable way for your small business to assume a place of leadership in the community.
Tier 1 – $50/mo ($600 Annual)
*Logo/Weblink on UWL website in alphabetical order
*Recognition in each issue of the United Way of the Lowcountry e-newsletter
Tier 2 – $100/mo ($1200 Annual)
*Logo/Weblink on UWL website in alphabetical order
*Recognition in each issue of the United Way of the Lowcountry e-newsletter
*Business Spotlight to be featured on UWL Website and social media
*Recognition signage at each UWL event (Succession Golf Tournament, Power of the Purse, Tee Off Fore United Way)
All-Stars – $200/mo ($2400+ Annual)
*Logo/Weblink on UWL website in alphabetical order listed before Tier 1 &2 partners
*Recognition in each issue of the United Way of the Lowcountry e-newsletter
*Business Spotlight to be featured on UWL Website and social media
*Recognition signage at each UWL event (Succession Golf Tournament, Power of the Purse, Tee Off Fore United Way)
*Able to serve on Small Business Leadership Council to help determine small business needs and ways to address them.
To become a Small Business Partner or to learn more about the program contact Brad Wells at 843-837-2000 or fill out the form below.
[contact-form-7 id=”1287″ title=”Small Business Partner”]