09 Apr United Way of the Lowcountry Opening Funding Cycle For Local Non-profits with New Financial Threshold Requirements
United Way of the Lowcountry Opening Funding Cycle For Local Non-profits with New Financial Threshold Requirements |
BEAUFORT, SC – United Way of the Lowcountry is opening the upcoming funding cycle for local non-profits next month with changes in financial threshold requirements to help move the needle in the areas of Education and Health.
The funding cycle will begin May 1, 2019 with the opening of the Prequalification checklist. Non-profits interested in applying for UWLC funds will have the month of May to submit the first phase of the process. The Prequalification checklist is available on the United Way of the Lowcountry website at www.uwlowcountry.org under the “Apply For Funding” tab. Those interested in applying must attend the Prequalification training in order to be eligible to receive funding. Mandatory training will take place the following dates and times at the United Way of the Lowcountry Office, located at 1277 Ribaut Road, Beaufort. (RSVP information is available on the United Way of the Lowcountry website at www.uwlowcountry.org.) May 1st – 2- 4 pm May 3rd – 1-3 pm May 7th – 9-11 am May 16th – 9- 11 am UWLC has significantly increased the financial threshold requirements for funded partner agencies due to additional financial oversight provided by the United Way of the Lowcountry Finance Committee in the application review process as well as the rising costs of financial reviews and audits incurred by our partners. Please see the following new financial threshold requirements for funded UWLC partners.
United Way of the Lowcountry works to meet the immediate needs of our neighbors while diligently working to address the root causes of key issues facing our community through Community Impact by focusing on Basic Needs, Education, Health and Income/Family Stability. United Way of the Lowcountry’s Community Impact Committee is also looking for volunteers to take part in the Community Impact Process. UWLC is seeking VOLUNTEERS from the community, who donate to United Way, to help make funding decision on how money is invested in the community. Volunteers will be asked to visit, report, deliberate, and evaluate agencies and programs that serve the residents of Beaufort & Jasper Counties. The Community Impact Committee and panel members work hand in hand with the staff of the United Way and agencies, making equitable and responsible investment decisions. For more information, contact United Way of the Lowcountry at (843) 379.3067 or visit www.uwlowcountry.org. ### |